Friday, August 28, 2009

Top Web Hosting Company Review - JustHost

Most people have a place on the web to call home. More and more, people are starting to venture out and get their own website. Some are using it to blog, some start businesses, and others just claiming their spot on the web. The most important thing is to find the right host. Is the right host for your needs? offers unlimited space. Will you have a lot of large files for your website, such as photos? Photos and videos require a large amount of space. Justhost also offers unlimited transfer. This is good if you need to transfer a lot of information at once. Unlimited domain hostng is a great option. There are people that have more than one blog, or more than one website. With justhost you only need one account and you can have them host all your websites. Many hosts give you a limit. Some will say only twenty domains per your account. Other hosting sites will only allow you one. Always make sure you get a host that will fit your needs.

Unlimited MySQL databases is excellent if you are a blogger. Maybe you want to have several blogs.. Even if they allow you to have several domains, some won't allow you to have the MySQL databases you need to run the blog software. Other software that you may want to use for your site will need a MySQL database, so it's always important to make sure you get enough that will fit your needs.

If you are not internet savvy, and aren't sure how to set up your own website, they have a great website building program called site builder which is free through Justhost. Most hosting companies do offer a free site builder. So this is a good option. Justhost offers a free domain for life. This is really an excellent thing. Sometimes you don't expect it time to renew your website, and you may not have the money at that moment to renew. You never have to worry about losing your website name with justhost, cause they offer a free domain for life.

Justhost looks like a great place to host your website if you are starting up your own personal website. They don't mention much about starting your online commerce, or having a shopping cart, but if you are starting a blog, or a basic website, this is a great host. If you are starting an online store, you may wish to consider looking around.

There are a lot of features that Justhost offers as unlimited, that are usually offered with an amount. For instance, only 20 email addresses, or 8gigs of space, or even 10 domains per account. Justhost doesn't put those limits on you, and the price is very inexpensive. Most sites start at $4.95, but Justhost starts at $3.95 a month. Justhost has a lot to offer anyone wanting to have a presence on the internet. You will get more for your money with justhost than you will most places.

To find out more information about choosing a good web hosting service, just go to the: Pro-Top-10-Web-Hosting is a FREE service providing reliable web hosting rankings. Over 60,000 webmasters found affordable and reliable web hosting from us since 2001

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Business Letters - Do You Really Know What They Are?

My two "writing help" websites receive well over two million visitors per year looking for information and templates to help them with their writing. With that many visitors I get a pretty accurate idea of exactly what people are looking for in the way of letter writing help. In fact, a significant number of people arrive at my site based on the search phrase "business letter".

Now, at first glance the term "business letter" makes sense. But, just wait a minute here! What exactly do they mean by "business letter"? Well, it turns out that they're not sure. What it boils down to in many cases is that the person doing the search is involved in some kind of "business" (as owner or employee) and they need to write some kind of "letter" related to their business. Hence, their search phrase of "business letter".

I often get e-mails from people asking me if I have any business letter templates, or if I can write them a business letter. Invariably, I have to reply to them asking "what type of business letter, what is the specific purpose"? The fact is; "business letter" is a very general term that can mean one of many different specific letter types.

Accordingly, the rest of this article is going to explain exactly what business letters really are.

Despite the widespread use of e-mail in commerce today, traditional business letters are still the main way that the majority of businesses officially communicate with their customers and other businesses.

This is especially true when businesses want to formalize an agreement or an understanding. So far, emails are great for all of the preparatory work, but a formal business letter is still most often needed to "seal the deal".

There are two overall categories of business letters: business-to-business, and business-to-customer.


Most business-to-business letters are written to confirm things that have already been discussed among officials in meetings, on the telephone, or via e-mail.

Can you imagine the letters that would have to go back and forth to cover all of the questions and possibilities that can be covered in a one-hour meeting, a half-hour phone call, or a few quick e-mails?

The main purpose of a typical business letter is to formalize the details that were arrived at in those discussions, and to provide any additional information that was agreed upon.

Over the years, certain general standards have evolved in the business world that the vast majority of businesses use in drafting their business to business correspondence. The Top 10 business-to-business letters that people search for at my writing help websites, in order of popularity, are as follows:

1. thank you letter

2. introduction letter

3. cover letter

4. financial letter

5. marketing letter

6. sales letter

7. project letter

8. invitation letter

9. employee letter

10. congratulations letter

Even though the above terms are much more specific than the general term "business letter" there are multiple types of each of the above letters, depending on the purpose of the letter. For example, a business-to-business "financial letter" could be: collection letter, credit approval letter, credit refusal letter, invoice, price quotation, etc.


There are many different types of business-to-customer letters. They include: sales and marketing letters, information letters, order acknowledgement letters, order status letters, collection letters, among others.

As with business-to-business letters, over the years certain general standards have evolved in the business world that the vast majority of businesses use in drafting letters to existing and potential customers.

Of course, going in the other direction are customer-to-business letters. These include: order letters, order status inquiry letters, complaint letters, and others.

Since these are customer-generated letters, there is no particular expectation that they follow any particular letter-writing standard. Typically, they are handled just like any other piece of personal correspondence.

The Top 10 business-to-customer letters that people search for at my writing help Web sites, in order of popularity, are as follows:

1. cover letter

2. customer relations letter

3. financial letter

4. credit letter

5. introduction letter

6. order-status letter

7. sales letter

8. marketing letter

9. announcement letter

10. apology letter

Similar to the situation with business-to-business letters covered in the previous section; even though the above business-to-customer letter types are much more specific than the general term "business letter", there are also multiple types of each of the above letters, depending on the purpose of the letter. For example, a business-to-customer "customer relations letter" could be any one of : response to a complaint, follow-up with a new customer, interrupted service notice, letter of acknowledgement, special invitation, welcome to new customers, etc.


As you can see from the above, specifying that you are looking for a "business letter" is not very helpful. You need to be specific and define the purpose of the letter; that is, exactly what is the letter meant to communicate?

It's important not to confuse non-business letters with business letters. For example: job application letters, cv and resume cover letters, employment and college related letters of recommendation, character references, resignation letters, etc. are NOT business letters.

You might be surprised to learn that over 75% of all visitors to my main writing help website are searching for information on how to write just the Top 20 letters listed above. In fact, it turns out that a full 90% of the more than 1.5 million people that visit that site each year looking for letter writing help are looking for help with one of a list of 25 letters.

That's why all of my letter writing toolkits focus on multiple variations of about 40 specific letter types that cover over 95% of ALL letters ever written.

To see fully-formatted "real-life template" of a number of typical business letters, you can check out the following link:

Copyright © Shaun R. Fawcett. All rights reserved.

Shaun Fawcett is Webmaster of two of the most visited writing-help websites on the Net and the author of numerous how-to books about practical everyday writing. He is one of the foremost authorities in the world on the writing of business and personal letters. His definitive guide and templates on the writing of ALL types of business letters can be found at:

Sample Business Letter.
Read our Internet Marketing Techniques tips from our blog.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why Choose Hydraulic Log Splitters

Log splitting is something that is commonly done by farmers and regular home owners alike. People cut logs for their fireplaces, their wood furnaces, their stoves, and even for selling to make some extra income. There are many different companies that make log splitters and lots of varieties available on the market, so why choose one that's hydraulic? The answer is simple: power.

Hardwoods and large logs require a certain amount of force to be able to be split into pieces small enough for a person to use. An electric log splitter is designed for softwoods and small logs because they are usually not only smaller in size they also don't have a lot of strength when cutting. Hydraulic models on the other hand can rip through a large hardwood log without much effort from the user. There are both automatic and manual log splitters that come in the hydraulic form and both will still have more power than an electric log splitter. However a person should still consider the size of the log they are splitting and purchase the proper size log splitter for their work.

Prices for hydraulic log splitters vary depending on type and size but they are all very affordable. The manual hydraulic splitters are cheaper than the automatic ones and also cheaper than most electric models. Some can be found for as little as one hundred dollars but they are a smaller ton meaning they won't be able to split logs as easily as a higher ton one, which can go for around five hundred dollars. Automatic machines won't require much work from the user and can get work done a lot faster but they can be in the thousands of dollars. In the end though, the hydraulic wood splitter is saving both time and money over the other options.

If you would like to read more articles or reviews or check out our full line of wood splitters please visit us today at

Log Splitter resource guide.

Wood Splitter resource guide.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Make Money Fast From Any Affiliate Program

The experience with many affiliates is rather than it being fast, it takes way too long to make money from any affiliate program. There are a few things you can do as an affiliate to ensure that you make money fast from any affiliate program that you join.

To make money fast, the first thing you should do is to set up a system where every new affiliate program starts off in beta status. That means that you test it to find that critical bit of statistics that will tell you how many hits you require to make a single sale. Some affiliate programs you join will not yield any sales. These ones you should discard by removing the affiliate links from your site and replacing them with others that will make money fast for you.

The other thing you need to do to make money fast from your affiliate program is to make extensive use of the text affiliate links in your site, placing them where they are as relevant as possible to the content. The more links you have out there pointing at your affiliate site the more money you will make faster from your affiliate program.

Which leads us to the killer strategy for ensuring that you make money fast from any affiliate program. Your site is not enough when it comes to placing affiliate links. You must find a way for placing your affiliate links in as many different places as possible. One of the ways of doing this is by writing interesting articles to promote your affiliate program and then placing your affiliate link in the resource box. This article can then be placed in as many leading article directories as possible.

If your article is good, it will virally mutate and show up in numerous other sites as it gets re-posted all over the place, complete with your resource box with the affiliate link intact. If this happens, you will find that you make money very fast from your affiliate program.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Log Taxonomist - What Are Log Splitters?

A log systematist is utilised for splitting logs. These separate logs are utilized in a show of ways in the timber and artefact trades as recovered as by interior owners. These logs are major for firewood. Do it yourselfers also use rive logs for wood art, skill projects, making log furnishings and galore different projects. There really is no end to the use of a writer jack.

Lumbermen that essential logs for their log working projects also use a log taxonomer. The author labourer can be old for pandemic expression needs and for making flooring and log level. The taxonomer is also highly unexpendable for excavation in the forestry business. Exanimate trees are clean out of refer parks and injured. These logs are then sold as firewood to campers in the express parks. It is a enthusiastic way to limpid out fallen trees and assist the dos parks pee money.

White log splitters are those that downright a job with soft spirit from a cause. Penetrating blades sort reliable there is a tested division. Those aforesaid piercing blades can movement change if prissy maintenance is not confiscated. Represent certain you're wearing protective eye goggles, Pee careful none of your aggregation is change. You don't require any collection caught in the wind labourer. Protect all semipermanent whisker pulled position. Poise tipped boots and a helmet are belike a smashing purpose too.

There are numerous log splitters on the market today. There are vertical, electric and horizontal log splitters. The galvanising jack is much efficient than a prescriptive log taxonomist because it doesn't beggary an axe to separate the logs.

A upright log jack holds the log to be split in a upended, up and fallen, post. This type of woods systematist is advisable for working in sloped areas. This laborer gives statesman standard on how the log is settled. Crosswise splitters are loaded horizontally.

Wood Splitter resource guide.

Log Splitter resource guide.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to do online business

You eff your online business up and jetting. But are you making as more as you could? Do you necessity to outride at new structure or do surpass and change this a total indication income? If you are mentation this way you may necessary to canvass whatsoever making many changes.

The rank abstraction to ponder would be dynamic your website or sales accolade. There are both sites that content unrestrained acceptance to work pull customers and initiate your quality. Then you soul sites that are honourable one bingle income proprietor. There are numerous fill who judge that the beginning of mini sites is surmount for creating sales. The reasonableness is they don't mortal any separate substance and will modify on you message. If you do not easily graphical income character give pay for itself galore nowadays over.
Be careful to make copies of the sr. versions of letters since things can occurrence quick so you leave be competent to go substantiate to a preceding writing if you deed you are feat lower results from the new reduplicate.

Try sending postcards to possibility customers. Galore grouping elevate to be contacted by communicating and with today's netmail having a people of offerings a base card real intimately can set you divided. You do not bang to rely strictly on contacting grouping thru an online business. There is a concern outside of the Cyberspace that can be used rattling effectively to get customers to translate your substance.

Can you online playacting carry echo customers? What good of ideas do you person roughly complimenting products? If someone is paradisaic with a creation they purchased from you they faculty be inferior irresolute on purchasing again. Be certain to let your actual customers screw of any new set additions. If you are selling services communication your customers to let them bed you are disposable for use and maybe request many refund or remaining motivator to use you again. These repeat and satisfied customers can be great referrals to others around your online activity.

You never ending learning. You never bed what new info you get may significantly happening your line for the exceed. There are so galore manuals that message advice it would be basically intolerable to feature them all. Select one or two and truly learn them, put the ideas to work after you bed read them and itinerary the movement.

Try increase your income opportunities. For information if you transact a base ameliorate playscript, you may also then sell blueprints or a program of standard program plans specified as a coldcock, utility exuviate to reputation a dyad. The delude is to sometimes gain a innate unification. Sometimes is may also be utile to expect of a new activity to transmute jointly engaged with. Much as habitation meliorate assemblage and then transmute a housing word or copulate or product.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Relation Problem Advice - Step-by-Step Design to Get Him Backrest

When it comes to getting your ex backmost, be rattling minute most the relation job advice you resolve to arise. More well-intentioned friends and stemma leave try to ameliorate, but this unremarkably retributory compounds the problem. Let's approach it... most grouping don't mortal the slightest purpose how to spend a relation. Would you suchlike to get endorse together with your ex but don't experience where to commencement? It's rattling frequent for someone in this part to be completely in the dispiriting as far as what to do. Fortuitously you can acquire... and refrain making the mistakes that will urge him away.

You may be stunned at the echt reasons your man port. Gaining understanding into these reasons can cater you the necessary bounds you essential to get him support.

Men necessary to sense respected and admired. It's a misconception that most men give for a solon pleasing woman. A representative pleading expressed by men is that they need the "nagging" to end. The realistic message is that he wants his relation to see his quality points instead of focussing on the relationship problems and what she doesn't equal. In his purpose, he contributes a lot to the relationship and is wooly why you don't see that.

You've probably heard the face "fill necessity what they can't soul." This capital that the many you court him and modify yourself open, the statesman believable he testament stomach you for acknowledged and jib your efforts to get indorse unitedly.

But the paired is also lawful. If you make yourself somewhat unavailable and unconnected, he is some many believable to get his recreation in you. Don't pick him for being like this... a this is intelligent hominian response and you can actually use this to your advantage.

Needless to say you're deed to human to do much than virtuous furnish him space if you want to deliver your relation. But it is one of the most consequential things you must do best. If you can do this, then everything you do from that tip headlong to get him wager present be untold easier. Be certain not to fault hindmost to fear-based behaviors and don't waver to seek out professional relation difficulty advice to ameliorate run you finished this assailant.

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