Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Will Your Legacy Be

How many of us have ever wondered if we have made any difference in this world?

As in the words of the Lee Ann Womack song, remember, "as you move through the days and the years of your life, you do not go unnoticed. You leave a trail, impressions and footsteps, unquestionable proof that you existed in the live of those around you. If you ever think you've not made much of a difference in the world, you have to me." And, I thank you.

Many who accomplish something worth leaving behind start from humble beginnings.

Think about Mozart, who learned to play the piano at age 4 years. At age 5, he began composing music. By age 14, he had composed several instrumental and orchestral pieces. Although he died in poverty, he created over 600 works of music, which are studied and performed by musicians throughout the world. When Mozart dreamed, there were symphonies and concertos playing in his head, and that is something worth leaving behind.

Think about Da Vinci, who was born the illegitimate son of a peasant woman and an Italian merchant. He became a brilliant engineer, painter, and creator of masterpieces as a relatively young man. When Da Vinci dreamed he saw marble as beautiful sculpture. He looked at the walls of a church and saw The Last Supper. The looked at a blank canvas and saw the Mona Lisa. All of those were somethings worth leaving behind.

Now, think about Oseola Mc Carthy. Her formal education did not surpass grade six, although she knew education was vitally important to life. She was forced to drop out of school at a young age to help her family. She wanted to be a nurse, but spent her life working as a washer woman who saved a portion of her meager wages on a regular basis, enabling her to amass a tremendous savings, of which she donated $150,000, to a scholarship fund for students at the University of Southern Mississippi. When Ms. Mc Carthy dreamed she saw a future full of possibilities for young people to do even better than she did.

When I think of the gift I want to leave behind, I dream of a world full of beautiful colors, and shapes, and sizes, and sounds, and textures. My world is full of vibrant reds, and purples, and greens, and blues, and yellows; all mixing together to create a monage of endless patterns. When I think of something worth leaving behind, I reflect on all the experiences in my life that have left an indelible mark on my consciousness. I think of the time in basic training, when I had my hair beautifully styled by one of soldiers on my team that was a cosmetologist, and being sent out to the sawdust pit to "exercise," in the dark of night during a rainstorm in Fort Leonardwood, Missouri.

The exercise session began as I propped my chin up with my hands and tried to continuing rolling left and right, protecting my well coiffed hair. With the onslaught of front, back, go (ie, push-up, crunch, run-in-place) being wailed louder and louder from the drill sergeants standing in the staircase (some chuckling hysterically), the ridiculousness of me trying to save my hair from a certain drenching was laughable. That moment was meant to teach us to maintain a positive and fearless mental attitude, even in a time of stress.

When I think of something worth leaving behind, I can smell my late grandmother's coconut buns baking in the oven, or my mom's homemade bread and ice cream, or my dad's big pot of soup, made with last nights leftovers and anything else he found in the refrigerator.

I think of the beautiful paintings my brother has created that now adorn my walls.

I think of the egg cartoons another brother craftily sketched all over walls of the house we grew up in. Although this amused us, my mother did not find the jokes so funny.

I think of the quirky things some of my students do to imitate the people they love.

When I think of something worth leaving behind, I think of all the people surrounding me on a daily basis, and the great encouragement that we can give each other. I think of a world where people take stock of their talents and gifts, and find ways to share them with the world at-large. I think of a way to create the type of community where each of our world views can connect what is in our heads with what is in our hearts to leave a lasting impression on all.

Most importantly, when I think of something worth leaving behind, I think about the gifts that we can share with each other. That the seeds we plant and water with our words of encouragement become blessings. That feelings become songs. More than the tangible, time together becomes memories. Each of us has talents and gifts that are worth sharing, a diversity that truly makes this community so wonderful, and that is really something worth leaving behind. As you conclude this article, please take a moment to inventory your gifts and talents that you can share with the world and make sure to give generously of the gifts that have been bestowed upon you. This world can only be a better place, if everyone were to use their talents to the fullest. Take care of yourself and make a pact to make a difference.

Adrienne Vyfhuis is a motivational trainer, and creativity coach in the Washington, DC area, with a background in biomedical engineering and clinical psychology, who specializes in career and academic development with young adults and career professionals at all levels. She currently runs a training business and facilitates seminars on dreams development, self-motivation, discipline and staying focused. She has developed and facilitated hundreds of workshops around those topics and currently has several journals in publication which enhance her clients ability to record and continually improve their focus and life progression. She is particularly skilled in teaching parents and grandparents to work with developing the skills, and abilities of their children for life-long impact. Check the website at: for more information.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Know What to Look for in a Woman

Sometimes, knowing what you’re looking for in a woman can be quite difficult. And if you’re one of them, don’t get discouraged. It truly isn’t as difficult as you may think to find the right woman for you.

The very first thing you must do is resign to be very open-minded. You need to cast aside all the standards that you may have been using and start from scratch. Forget what all your buddies say is attractive. Never mind what you see in the lingerie commercials on television. You’ll want to start with the very basics of what makes two people compatible, not two lovers, but two people in general, in order to find what kind of person works for you.

In order to find out what you are really looking for in a woman, you need to take the time to consider the complete person, not just the body. You need to take into consideration things like personality, interests, ambition and then looks. You’re probably wondering why I listed those traits in the order I did.

If you consider looks first it will tend to cloud your judgment on all the other traits. Men tend to be very easily visually stimulated. For this reason, what excites them at first sight tends to be what they think they want.

However, if you consider what you want in the other areas, the looks may not be so important. You may find that a woman with a great personality that likes football and racing as much as you do and who takes her career as a human resources director seriously, but who happens to be a brunette with only an average build, would suit you just fine. Personality, intelligence, ambition, sense of humor and interests play a much bigger role in attraction than just physical appearance.

Let us show you the steps to marriage separation reconciliation.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Electronic Keyboards: A Guide to Buying Your First Keyboard

Anyone learning to play electronic keyboard will need an instrument to practice on at home soon after starting tuition. This guide aims to help beginning electronic keyboard players decide on an appropriate first instrument, as there is an overwhelming range of electronic keyboards on the market today.

As the saying goes "a bad workman blames his tools", but you can get a great head-start as a musician by purchasing the best quality electronic keyboard you can possibly afford. I'd say you should budget on spending £200-£500 on your first keyboard. This isn't that much if your going to be forking out for weekly lessons- I imagine you want to hear the the best results of all that time, money and effort when your practising at home!

Most teachers should have no problem with you waiting until you have the money to buy a good quality keyboard with all the features you need, rather than buying something straight away which will quickly need upgrading. And compared to other musical instruments, good keyboards are quite inexpensive. At least they can sound like any instrument you choose and can play in all styles. The keyboard is certainly the instrument for those who enjoy variety!

Use the jargon buster below to navigate through the huge range of features on offer when buying your keyboard. I'll explain what each feature does, why you need it, and what to look out for when choosing between keyboards as a beginner.

Keys: Your keyboard should have at least 61, full-size keys. A piano has 88 keys and if you aspire to play piano as well, look for weighted keys which replicate the feel of the piano. However, keyboards and pianos are two different instruments, and non-weighted keys are fine for those beginners who aim to be purely electronic keyboard players.

Sounds/ Voices: The more sounds your keyboard has, the better, but look for high quality realistic sounds. Sounds that have been sampled are generally better than those that are synthesised. Sampled sounds are digital recordings of the actual instrument, whilst synthesised sounds are electronically created, and so less realistic and often poorer quality. Also, choose a keyboard with a realistic and sympathetic piano sound, especially if you aspire to study classical piano as well.

Rhythms: Having more pre-programmed rhythms on your keyboard allows you to be more creative, and play in more styles of music. See if the keyboard has rhythms in the styles of music you enjoy listening to and playing.

Touch Sensitivity: This is essential. Touch sensitivity basically means the harder you press a key, the loader it sounds- like when playing a piano. Without touch sensitivity, you can't add expression and dynamics to your playing which you will need for a musical performance.

Floppy Disk Drive: Is very useful, so you can save your settings, arrangements and recordings for the future. The newest keyboards now have USB ports and flash drives which are even better if you want to link your keyboard with a computer.

MIDI: This stands for Musical instrument digital interface and is basically an electronic language which electronic musical instruments use to communicate with each other. If your keyboard is MIDI compatible, you can link it up to other instruments and computers. If you have MIDI and a disk drive for example, you can download and use the MIDI files from the web.

Recording: Look out for keyboards that allow you too record what you play in 'real time', and record or 'step in' the accompaniment section. The more tracks you can record, the better. This allows you to be more creative in making music, and compose and save your own music as well.

Polyphony: This is the ability to have more than one note sounding at the same time. It is essential to have at least 16 note polyphony.

Accompaniment Section: Look for a keyboard with a good accompaniment section. Put the keyboard in 'fingered mode', start a rhythm and play a chord to see if the accompaniment section is realistic and musical.

Headphone Socket: Very useful if you don't want to annoy the neighbours!

Make sure you try the keyboard before you buy to check its user friendly, even if you can't play much yet. Don't spend the start of your musical career trying to fathom out how to use an incomprehensible, unfriendly instrument. Choosing the right, good quality electronic will inspire you to work hard at your lessons. Finding an instrument you love should mean you never want to stop practicing!

Polly Powell runs an electronic keyboard and digital piano teaching studio in Weston super Mare, UK. For more information about keyboards, and playing tips visit:

Find more about our online piano course reviews Studying Piano.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiring a Quality Home Movers

Moving from one dwelling place to another is a normal scene in Singapore. A number of occupants are not home owners. They are just tenants. The reason is that owning a house is not easy especially for non Singaporean citizens who obviously make up the lion's share of Singapore's manpower. Thus housing service is mostly on a yearly contract basis.

Given this real scenario and considering the volatile behavior of the real estate market, the demand for home movers is high in Singapore. While there are many service providers, it pays to do your job in screening out the most dependable home movers particularly if you are short of cash. And the necessity to make a good choice is paramount if you would like proper care on the manner your stuff are transported.

The rate of home movers in Singapore can be quite expensive. It may turn out to be much more costly later if you happen to hire unskilled home movers who can only mess up with your priceless stuffs. Other companies engaged in this service because it is good money and those duly registered and professionaly trained to give moving service. You definitely opt to engage home movers who can offer the best rate and the best service possible.

If there is one good venue to locate these movers in Singapore, it is through the internet. Check on ebay Singapore. Search using the keyword "Singapore home movers" and you can most likely generate a good search list. What makes ebay a good source of info is that you can refer to testimonials of previous clients. Yes, while these feedbacks are not 100% reliable you can have at the minimum an idea on the kind of service.

Also, online forums which are Singapore based in nature can give you some guide on home movers. Just concentrate on heavy traffic blogs and forums. Of course, not missing out the classifieds. Home movers tend to post ads on online classifieds because ad posting here for free, if not at a very minimal rate.

With your filtered list, you expect to tap the most reliable home movers in town which will give lesser hassle house moving service for you.

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Very Best Forex Trading Strategies

Everyone is looking for the best forex trading strategies around. While there is no substitute for hard work and a thorough knowledge of the forex market itself, there are shortcuts to be taken to make your life a great deal easier.

Forex software is one of these shortcuts and forex trading strategies. Traders of all levels of experience find a use for it in their campaigns. This is software which was designed to typically beef up one of two essential areas of trading: efficiency and accuracy. I'll address the efficiency aspect first.

The forex market keeps very long hours, extending every hour of every day and night and going long into the weekend, as well. While this is advantageous for forex traders, it also requires that you be able to not only know what is happening in the market around the clock, but also be able to act on it quickly and efficiently. Because this can be largely impossible for anyone trying to maintain any kind of social life, forex software was developed.

Forex software also serves as an arguably superior and unquestionably more cost effective substitute for hiring a broker. It keeps track of the market around the clock, and steps in to trade on your behalf when you are not there to do so yourself, ensuring that you land on the winning side of your trades near 100% of the time. This is all without taking the large chunks of commission that a broker would take.

Moving on to accuracy, arguably the best of the forex trading strategies associated with forex software is that of the trend indicator. Trend indicators are mathematically designed algorithms which also analyze the market around the clock but run that information through their algorithms to generate remarkably accurate predictions of exactly where the market will go next.

The reason that these tips are so precise can largely be attributed to the fact that they are tested and tweaked within real campaigns within the real market for months and sometimes years in advance. As you can imagine, this information is invaluable as precise reads allow you to effectively jump in and out of the market at peaks to maximize your profit and prevent loss and risk. If you want the most precise information affecting your trades, there is no substitute for forex software, the most guaranteed of the forex trading strategies.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Choosing The Best Travel Cot

At you’ll find a wide range of travel cots, from Graco to Baby Dan, Disney to Hauck. Now this is not an exhaustive list and there are many more available on the market, but this gives a balanced range of travel cots to suit your needs.

The key things you need to consider when buying a travel cot include:

1. The Purpose of the Travel Cot – are you planning to transport it with you across the world on a weekly basis or is it merely going to sit at a friends or family members house for the odd occasion that you stay with them?

2. How heavy is the travel cot that you’re considering? Again the first point of how frequently you’re going to transport the cot from A to B comes into play here, as you need to consider how easy the travel cot is to transport.

3. How solid / robust is the travel cot you’re considering. You need to consider the purpose of the cot, along with the weight to ensure that the travel cot is robust enough for your needs.

4. What size of room are you looking to use the travel cot in, this will impact your choice of going for a mini or full size travel cot.

5. Are you looking for style? Graco travel cot and Baby Dan Travel Cots are pitched at the more style conscious parent, although the Graco travel cots tend to be a bit heavier than most, and you’re paying a bit of a premium for the name.

6. Are you looking for pure functionality as well as value for money, if so then the Hauck travel cots are robust, functional and weigh in at about 10kg.

7. Are you looking for more of a themed travel cot, such as Disney Characters or the Pooh Family?

8. What accessories do you want with the travel cot, such as portable mobile, adjustable basinet, built in nightlight, built in music player? The list of accessories is endless.

The most important things you need to consider are; what is the purpose of the travel cot, what size are you looking for and how heavy is the travel cot.

Claudia Nicoll is a mother of two, Toby and Joel, as well as a keen fitness enthusiast.

She also runs a website aimed at helping parents to local local baby and toddler activities in the UK - Visit

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