Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why Alcoholics Need Support

Alcohol consumption can relax one for while. Many people consume alcohol in order to escape tension and depression. With continuous alcohol consumption, the person gradually develops a tolerance and dependence on it. The long-term use of alcohol in large quantities can cause addiction. Alcoholics usually do not realise their growing problem and addiction to alcohol intake.

Alcohol consumption can have several negative consequences; alcoholics often find themselves in serious trouble due to their abnormal state of mind. Alcoholics usually do not admit their problems and also refuse to accept the reality. It might take several severe consequences for the alcoholic to realise how damaging alcohol is for him/her.

Even when an alcoholic realises his/her problem, he/she needs some time and support to take a step to correct the issue. The body of the alcoholic needs a specific amount of alcohol as it becomes dependent on it and craves for it. Alcoholics find it very hard to resist the temptation and face severe withdrawal symptoms as a result. Also if an alcoholic wants to quit, but his/her friends drink, then he/she cannot get rid of the habit.

Due to severe withdrawal symptoms the alcoholic faces extreme physical discomfort; therefore, quitting the habit on their own is very difficult. They need assistance and support to get over the problem. No one can force an alcoholic to leave the habit. Also the disease and addiction of alcohol makes the person lose hope and give up trying to quit the habit. The addiction makes the alcoholic lie, react violently, steal and do everything possible to drink alcohol. For an alcoholic, admitting the problem and talking to others about it is the most difficult thing to do, but it is also the first step for recovering.

Counselling is the major support needed by an alcoholic to prevent and treat the disease in time. The support that counselling provides help them know the reason as to why they drink and then find ways to treat the problem. Involvement of friends and family is the basis of family therapy which is a very important part of alcohol treatment.

Support of family and friends, helps an alcoholic live without alcohol. Alcoholics often try different ways to quit the drinking habit and if they do not have motivation, confidence, strength and encouragement, they go back to their drinking habit.

Fear that they would never get over the addiction to alcohol holds the alcoholics back. They feel very uncomfortable when dealing with the life changing decision to quit alcohol. It is very important to be supportive and helpful towards them.

Support plays a very important role in helping an alcoholic recover from the disease by letting him/her know that people do not judge or label them, they care for them. Support helps the alcoholic know that there is help available for them and they can deal with the problem. Support affects the behaviour of the alcoholic in indirect ways; therefore, it is very important.

Contact a specialist today for the treatment of alcoholism and take professional assistance.

Living with an alcoholic is a very fragile existence, the relationship always undermined by a breach of trust or a potential breach of trust. Find out at on how to deal with it.

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